Hutchitson MedalDr. Konstantinos Kakosimos, assistant professor in the Chemical Engineering Program, was awarded the Hutchison Medal by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) for his paper, “Example of a micro-adaptive instruction methodology for the improvement of flipped-classrooms and adaptive-learning based on advanced blended-learning tools,” which was published in Education for Chemical Engineers ( Every year IChemE awards published papers that are philosophical, practical, wide-ranging or thought-provoking. Papers are nominated by Publications Medals Board assessors during the year and across all spectrum of IChemE Journals and Conferences ( Finally, the board selects as the winner of the Hutchinson Medal a single paper considered an important contribution to the literature that will stimulate further debate within the chemical engineering community.

Some of the judges’ comments that the Board made publically available:

”>This paper looks at making use of modern technologies to change the way students are educated presenting a teaching methodology and development of related tools. Collection of student feedback and information on learning progress in advance of teaching being a key aspect of the methodology presented.

>A catalytic paper showing what can be achieved with the use of modern technology within both conventional education and industrial settings. The paper is likely to stimulate a lot of discussion on what is an interesting concept and what can be practically achieved.

>The discussion during the meeting fed to a unanimous decision that this paper is a very deserving winner of the medal.”


The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) is the global professional membership organisation chemical engineering professionals and anyone involved with the process industries. With over 44,000 members in over 120 countries, IChemE is the only organisation that awards the internationally-recognised qualifications of Chartered Chemical Engineer and Professional Process Safety Engineer.